Friday, December 25, 2009

Group Assignment2

Here is our group assignment 2 and we need to do the topic is " Creativity in the content of MMU".
It seems like very hard and need to find out a lot of information.

First step that we need to do is draw out the logical mind map which the central subject is " creativity in the content of MMU" . Here is our logical mind map picture as shown in below.

After that we need to choose one of the sub-subject that we wrote the idea and then use it for the next step which is focus mind map.Here is our focus mind map shown in below.

After that we finished the focus mind map , then we need to write minimum 800 words of essay report . Here is our report that our group wrote it as shown in below.


Creativity in Multimedia University is seen in a variety of sections around the campus. It is seen in its location Cyberjaya. Why Cyberjaya? Because Cyberjaya is the central of Multimedia and Information technology in Malaysia hence it is creative for MMU to be situated in Cyberjaya. It is also seen amongst the students (the way they think, dress, talk, culture, race, religion), lecturers (in the way they teach and pass knowledge to students. All lecturers have their own creative way of delivering knowledge to students), the different faculties. Each faculty is creative in its own way, for example each faculty has its own website, building, colors, lecturers, rooms hence making multimedia University a creative school.

Being a creative university, MMU has simplified the way of life around the campus through providing services to students ranging from free internet on campus, food courts on every hostel and faculty block, banking services, parking, security and so on, which has made life easy for the students to live in harmony and at peace in the university hence the great performance making MMU one of the best universities in Malaysia.


A number/digit used in counting and measuring. We look at numbers like 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. All these numbers have a meaning attached to them; for example 1 has a symbolic meaning of new beginnings. Looking at new beginnings, Multimedia University is Malaysia’s first private university that was established in 1994 and has two (2) campuses, one in Cyberjaya and another in Melaka. Three in its nature symbolizes intuition, however in Multimedia University 3 is symbolic in its holidays and number of semesters the university has.

Hence In addition to their use in counting and measuring, digits are often used for labels (telephone numbers) which are a form of communication between students, lecturers and fellow peers), for ordering things like meals and online purchase of goods which is highly done by students.(serial numbers), and for codes (ISBNS)

In MMU digits are used in different forms, from I.Ds which are used by the students and staff to identify themselves when on campus, grades help to determine the performance of the students and later also determine whether they can graduate, tuition fees are used to sustain the students in the school, number of students, classroom numbers, online access of information, number of stairs each block has I mean there is a variety of numbers. Hence we will talk in detail about these numbers.


Time is a component of the measuring system used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals between them, and to quantify the motions of objects. Time has been a major subject of religion,philosophy, and sciences.

Time is a way of life to everyone living and particularly in MMU, time is very important in the different aspects of studying. We are not talking just about hours and minutes, time is seen in so many different aspects of life like how long one lives or takes to complete a course.

Multimedia University is one of the most organized universities when it comes to when school starts and when it ends. Hence the school administration comes up with a calendar that helps to guide the students on how many weeks will be spent on a particular semester, how many holiday of holiday will be in that semester, when exams are due and when holiday is due, hence in its creativeness, MMU helps to keep time in that they do so as to make sure everything planned for a particular semester is carried out well. Hence making time an essence of life in the running of the university. Creativity is not only seen in how good one is at art, drawing, but also how to direct a school in a direction that leads to success in all areas of life hence organization.

In MMU time is seen in aspects like going to class. Every student has a time table that identifies which time a student is to go to class. This is a practice that will help one in the future especially when it comes to time for work, this works well and helps the student be accustomed to keeping time so that they can attend lectures. Therefore, the time in the timetable are different with other universities, for example, usually 1 lecture session is 1 hour, but in MMU, each lecture hour only have 55 minutes, which means if the class start at 8.00, it will finish at 8.55 but not 9.00. Besides, MMU did not use the sign of ‘am’ and ‘pm’ for time in the timetable, if is 5.00pm, it will show 17.00 in the timetable but not 5.00pm.

While in class, students always have presentations, and to every presentation, each student is allocated an amount of time for which he or she should present, whether is between 10-15 minutes, or 15-30 minutes, usually the maximum length for a presentation is 30 minutes, and 10 minutes is for the Q&A session. This is the creative way of training students to prepare for what is ahead of them when it comes to working in companies that will need them to do this. Besides, it can train those presenters to manage the time properly, so that they can present their part in the right time. Hence time is very important in the life of an MMU student and lecturers too.

In MMU, Siti Hasmah library is a place where students go to do revision especially when exams are around the corner. However, the library has rules and also has a particular time of when it opens and when it closes. Hence it opens at a particular time which is 9:00a.m and close late at 12:00a.m. When the final exam is around the corner, so called ‘Study Week’, the library will open until 2.00am for student to study. To all this, there is an allocation of time hence time is a way of life in Multimedia university.

To each course in MMU there is duration of study. All the courses in MMU are timed for either 3, 4 or 5 years depending on if one has done foundation and the courses that the students had choosen. For engineers, it needs 4 years to complete the degree, and for accounters as well. Other course like finance, marketing, management, designs or IT, its need 3 years to complete the degrees. Hence time spent in MMU is important and to all this we find that we use numbers to allocate the duration of these courses hence the use of digits in MMU.

Time is important when the students have exams, it related to the time of a student study in a day. Also, the duration for a subject when examination. The rules of the examination in MMU is students are not allowed to go out from the exam hall before 30minutes once the exam had started. Time management for doing a exam paper is very important to all students, they have to manage the time well so that they can finish the exam on time, or earlier. The maximum length for a examination in MMU is 3 hours, and the time for the examination is usually on afternoon or morning. It would not be on night, maybe that is inconvenient for the invigilator to work somehow now the exam unit has the new rules, it is for those students who are taking the supplementary exam, the time might be at night.

As creative students, time is important to help us in our daily routine, doing work on time, assignments, and going to class on time. It is between whether that the time is controlling us or we are controlling the time. Hence a proper way to live, is to keep time so that things run smoothly daily in life.

Our Design Concept Is "Time , The Essence Of Life"

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Random Words Or Image association

Random Association is an idea generation method which allows students to systematically generate new ideas through a fixed formula. The whole premise of Random Association is to use a Random Word/Images to provoke a reaction from the brain.

How to generate original creative ideas with random word stimulation?

Step 1: Formulate a specific problem statement

Write down exactly what it is you want to generate new ideas about. You can work with any type of subject, there are no limitations. Try to capture the true essence of what you’re looking for in as few words as possible. Be specific in your description, a vague description will usually yield equally vague results.

The subject can be stated in the following forms:

1. Solve a Problem - State the problem to solve. Defining a problem is an art in itself. A clear perception of the problem is the first step toward discovering an optimal solution.

2. Generate Ideas - State what the new ideas are about. Perhaps to create a new invention of some kind, improve an existing product or service, or simply to gain a deeper insight into any subject.

3. Ask a Question - It’s amazing how answers can present themselves with the help of some random stimulation - answers that come from the same mind that asked the question!

Step 2: Gather random stimuli

Close your eyes. Open the dictionary to any page and place your finger on the page. Open your eyes and write down whatever word is closest to your finger. It's very important to use that particular word whether you like the word or not. This technique works best when there is no obvious relationship between the word and your subject. Don't choose the word - let the word choose you. Randomness is critical so use whatever word you point to, write it down, and don't let your eyes wander over the page. Of course it's a good idea to read the definition so you understand the full meaning of the word.

Repeat this procedure to select five or six random words from different pages in the dictionary.

Step 3: Create associations between random words, your challenge

At this point you have reached the critical juncture that will determine your level of success in using Random Word Stimulation.

Your objective is to create associations that connect the meaning of each random word to your subject in some way. Each new association represents the seed of a new idea so the more associations you create - the better your chances of generating useful results.

Exposure to the stimulus of random words will immediately trigger associations to experiences buried in your subconscious mind. The process is automatic and inevitable. Many associations and the ideas they generate will not make sense in relation to your subject. Be aware that new ideas often seem illogical, absurd, or completely irrelevant, when they first come into your mind.

Our minds have been trained to make sense of things. Thoughts that do not make sense trigger a deeply conditioned Left-Brain response of instantly discarding these thoughts as worthless fantasy. Learning to recognize this conditioned response and bring it under managed control is essential. Catch the moment when you think “This Does Not Make Sense” and turn it into a question of “How Could This Make Sense?”.

It’s the effort you make to answer this question that causes the brain to respond. Exercising the body results in increased strength and enhanced capabilities of movement. Exercising the brain results in increased mental strength and enhanced capabilities of thinking.

It does not matter if your associations make sense logically or not at this point. Find any way to connect the words to your subject that you can think of. If you feel inhibited in any way make an effort to be a little outrageous until you overcome your inhibitions. Did I say "a little"? No - what I meant to say was extremely outrageous!

Focus on creating as many new ideas as possible. Do not stop to justify your new ideas, for now it is enough that you have them. Have faith in the fact that your subconscious mind brought these thoughts to light for a reason, even though the reason may not be readily apparent. Success depends entirely on your willingness to temporally suspend the urge to discard new ideas and allow yourself the freedom to explore them.

Step 4: Increase your associations

It was Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) that formulated the three laws of association. Apply these laws in as many ways as you can to create your associations.

They are:

1. Contiguity: This law explains how associations work by the stimulation of contact or nearness. A saddle may remind you of a horse, a tree of a forest, a foot of a shoe.

2. Similarity: This law explains how similar things produce associations. A cat could remind you of a tiger, a tent may provoke the association with a log cabin, the human eye is similar to a camera, a stair is similar to an escalator.

3. Contrast: This law explains how we associate things that contrast one another. A dwarf may trigger associations of a giant, day is a contrast to night, a sad face is a contrast to a happy face, black and white are contrasting colors, tall and short, new and old, fresh and stale.

Take some time to consider each word individually and in combination. Be sure to write down everything that comes into your mind, no matter how silly or irrelevant they may seem at first.

Step 5: Make more connections

Congratulations! You have just expanded your perceptions of your subject far beyond your normal patterns of thinking in ways you would not have otherwise considered.

After a number of new associations have been generated, perhaps several dozen, you can begin to explore and discover ways to apply your associations to the matter at hand. Applying random meaning to a subject suggests ways of looking at the subject in a different context from which the subject is normally viewed. Discovering new ways to look at your subject will start to generate new ideas automatically.

Just remember that generating new ideas is about quantity rather than quality. It's like drilling for oil. You will often drill many dry holes before you finally hit the gusher that brings the fortunes of success.

Keep in mind that due to our education, and the many other influences in our world, most of us lean toward left-brained, logical thinking. Random Word Stimulation is by nature a decidedly right-brain activity. Depending on your current brain state balance, you may find Random Word Stimulation awkward to use at first. This is why it is highly recommend to limit your initial sessions to 10 to 15 minutes to avoid frustration.

The brain can take a few days or more to restructure its neural network to accommodate this new type of thinking. If you are having trouble getting started, don't worry about it. Just keep trying short, relaxed sessions until you acquire the habit of producing results. Remember it's the effort of trying that triggers the brain to adjust and it will adjust if you give it the time and patience it needs.